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precious tropical hardwood only a few (152 previews)
precious tropical hardwood only a few Posted in 21th, 10/2017 11:53 by ruckwarmy
material. It is difficult to see the complete set of chicken wings and wood furniture on the market. For example, included in the national mahogany standard precious tropical hardwood only a few: red sandalwood, pear, ebony, sour, chicken wings, incense and other wood. And some of these valuable timber has long been no natural production, other production is also very small. In addition to customers to face the high market price, but also must always beware
of flooding the market fake and shoddy products. As a result, the traditional mahogany furniture market is shrinking. And the use of ordinary wood to produce traditional solid wood furniture, and not much significance. With the mahogany raw material prices continue to rise, mahogany furniture worth also followed all the way soaring, many rare mahogany rose about 10% per month, mahogany furniture investment value is also increasingly recognized by the
public. However, mahogany furniture in the market circulation and become a lot of consumers concerned about the topic. It is understood that in the Beijing market, second-hand mahogany furniture trade channels are not many. In addition to some mahogany trading market launched second-hand furniture trading area, in Gaobeidian classical furniture street and Panjiayuan flea market and other places, a lot of mahogany furniture shop also launched mahogany
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ruckwarmy / ruckwarmy

precious tropical hardwood only a few (152 previews)

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